The best ways to protect your Black Friday buys

Posted November 1st, 2022 by SimpliSafe

With Black Friday just around the corner, there’s no doubt you’ll be putting your savings aside to splurge on some brand new gadgets and gizmos. In 2021, it was reported that the UK accounted for over 10 percent of all global Black Friday searches online - so it’s fair to say that we’re no stranger to a good bargain. However, as exciting as this may be, there is an added risk that comes with bringing home new valuables. By ignoring the relevant steps to improve your home’s security, you could risk having your possessions snatched from you - a frightening concept both from an emotional and financial standpoint. That’s why we’ve come up with a list of the best ways to protect and hide your Black Friday buys - or any valuables, for that matter. 

Hide your valuables in an unexpected place

Rather than risk leaving your new purchases out in the open, it’s essential that you choose not only a secure hiding place, but a clever one. Burglars can be devious, with many being familiar with some of the more common places to hide valuables - whether that’s simply stashed away in a cupboard or ‘bits and bobs’ drawer. Go one step further by getting creative with your hiding places. These could include: 

  • Fake air vent - rather than hiding your valuables in an actual air vent, opt for a fake one instead. Thieves are unlikely to take the time to unscrew these, so they’re automatically more protected

  • Inside a water bottle - For smaller Black Friday purchases, consider making use of empty water bottles, upcycling them to create a secret compartment. Pop in the fridge away from sight

  • Inside a wall clock - Remove the face of a clock to reveal a secret storage compartment, perfect for hiding any discounted jewellery you’ve managed to get your hands on, or even keys and cash. Once you’ve attached the face back onto the clock, hang up high to further reduce your chances of valuables being nabbed

  • False-bottomed drawer - Get involved with a spot of DIY by crafting your very own false-bottomed drawer, keeping the compartment shallow to make your contraption look less suspicious. Here's how to do it

  • Potted plant - Hiding your Black Friday valuables inside a plant pot, shielded by an artificial plant, is a surefire way to keep them out of sight

  • Cereal box - Opt for a hiding place that’s less obvious: the cereal box method. Make use of any old boxes you have lying around, placing your valuables inside to then be safely stored in your kitchen cupboard 

Don’t leave deliveries on your doorstep

When surfing the web to gorge on Black Friday sales, prevent the risk of parcel theft by improving your doorstep security. You could deter pesky porch pilates by installing an Outdoor Camera, allowing you to keep a constant eye on your property, and the path leading up to it. 

Another way to improve your doorstep’s security is to invest in a driveway gate, which could also be automated for ease of access and enhanced security. Or, if you can’t be there to pick up your delivery, choose a safe place for your parcel to be hidden. According to DHL, a safe place would include somewhere that’s: 

  • Weatherproof 

  • Out of sight 

  • Easy for your delivery driver to find 

Alternatively, leave your parcels with a trusted neighbour or when placing the order, select the option to have this delivered to a parcel drop off point, such as a local newsagent.  

Keep valuables out of view

On the topic of keeping your Black Friday buys away from prying eyes, be wary of leaving them next to windows - particularly on the ground floor where access is easiest. Rather than risk tempting trespassers into your home, remove your valuables to a place that’s shielded from view, or close the blinds. 

Invest in deterrent methods

Alongside installing Outdoor and Indoor Cameras, as well as a Bell Box to optimise visibility in your home, a burglar alarm will also enhance your valuables’ protection, alongside serving as an effective crime deterrent. Upon seeing that they’re in view, a criminal will know that their risk of being caught is increased, which could make them less likely to go through with the act. Customise your SimpliSafe security system as you please, installing an Entry Sensor, Motion Sensor, or Glassbreak Sensor, all of which will sound when triggered. This will alert both you and anyone nearby to the scene, reducing the chance of your Black Friday valuables being stolen. 

Why not head over to our accessories range to find the additional alarm sensors that best suit your home set-up? With so many to choose from, improving your home’s security has never been easier. 

Improve visibility

To further increase your driveway or porch’s visibility, install motion-activated lights. Not only will this make your journey inside easier and safer, this will act as a further crime deterrent. Burglars will likely be put off the idea of entering your property thanks to an increased likelihood of being seen.  Protect your home from risk of theft and ensure that your valuables are kept safe with the SImpliSafe alarm system. Contact our team today to start building your system.