10 security ideas for your home
Posted December 24th, 2020 by SimpliSafe
Making your home more secure needn’t be a hassle. In fact, there’s quite a few handy things you can do to help improve your home security, some you may have not even thought about. For instance, did you know it’s possible for police to be notified and dispatched for you if a break-in occurs, even if you’re at work or on holiday? But not every prevention method needs to be so complex; even some simple burglar deterrents can go a long way.
1. Home security cameras
An effective security measure for your home is installing a home security camera. Capture criminals in the act, keep a careful eye on your children and pets, help provide incriminating evidence, and assess and pinpoint break-ins and damage. Cameras can monitor 24/7, outdoors and indoors with you being able to view live footage from wherever and whenever from smart apps on mobiles and tablets. Isn’t technology brilliant?
2. Burglar deterrents
From decoys or real burglar alarms to stickers and neighbourhood watch signs, there are many great burglar deterrents out there for you to utilise. These days you can even have lighting or lamps set to switch on at night when you’re on holiday. Having blinds in windows can also work to help with privacy, keeping prying eyes from seeing what valuables you have. But, do remember whilst these can all work as great deterrents, opportunistic thieves will often take their chances, so it’s best to have alarm systems too.
3. Monitored alarm system
There’s no better alarm system than a monitored alarm system. No matter where you are, you can rest assured that if a break-in occurs, police will be notified and dispatched on your behalf to attend to your home once a break-in has been visually confirmed. These smart systems work by linking to security cameras and alarm sensors that trigger alarms instantly. Once a break-in has been visually confirmed by a monitoring centre, the police will be dispatched. It’s one of the smartest things you can add to your home for round-the-clock security.
4. Smart alarm sensors
Another way security systems have gotten smarter is with connected alarm sensors. You’d be wrong in thinking that sensors can only detect motion in your home. You’ll never have to worry about water damage or leaks, burst pipes from freezing temperatures or whether your pets will trigger an alarm, thanks to water sensors, temperature sensors and clever motion sensors that detect only the unique heat signature of humans. No more false alarms from man’s best friend!
5. Driveway gates
Add a more robust outer security layer to your home with driveway gates. Whatever your budget, there’s a range to suit. If you want to keep it simple, you can have tall, wrought-iron gates or go for ones with keypads, more privacy and that are completely opaque. You’ll certainly put off any would-be burglar by even considering choosing your home as a target.
6. Door chains
Simple and so effective, door chains are ideal for letting you have a peek whilst maintaining some security. These are particularly great for elderly and senior people who live on their own, who may be more vulnerable to door-to-door scams or burglars.
7. Spy holes
Working perfectly with door chains, spy holes are also brilliant features for better home security. The truth is, we just don’t know what’s round the corner, whether the next knock at the door is a hustler posing as an inspector or a career criminal who has decided your home is their next target. Though you might not know what’s round the corner, a spy hole can certainly help you see who exactly is at your door and if there’s anyone suspicious.
8. Security bars
You can easily uplevel home security with door security bars - built to withstand force and to protect your house from forced door entries. A seasoned burglar can work their way through many locks, but they’ll have a tough time trying to get through a door with a jammer or security bar! These are especially useful for weakened and patio doors, as well as garages and sheds.
9. Neighbourhood watch
It can’t be stressed enough to find out if your area - especially if you’ve recently moved - has a neighbourhood watch scheme. It could be as simple as a group chat to begin with, to share concerns and ideas. The more awareness the better, and better data or insights leads to better protection, as well as a more informed police who can work with your neighbourhood and community. Not only can better security measures come about from a scheme like this, but the very fact you can have signs showcasing it’s a neighbourhood watch area can work as a powerful deterrent.
Need a little help getting to know your new locals? Check out our guide on how to be a good neighbour.
10. Dog security
It’s no wonder that animals and dogs were one of the earliest home security alarm systems we had. (If you didn’t know already, the history of burglar alarms is a long yet interesting one!) Man’s best friend will certainly do their best to protect their ‘best friend’. When you think of dog security, we’re sure certain breeds come to mind, but the truth is, if you are thinking of getting a dog, whatever the breed, they’ll more than likely be effective alert systems. What’s amazing is that the growl, look and bark of a rottweiler will dissuade the most seasoned burglar from trespassing, whilst their loyalty and affection make them an all-round, great and protective pet.
As you can see, there are quite a number of ways to update your home security, ones that are simple and may have easily been forgotten. But, when it comes to protecting your home, layered security is the way forward and will give you the best chance at deterring burglary and securing your home. Not all of these options will suit your home and lifestyle, but the more of these ideas you implement, the stronger your home security will be and the more reassured you’ll feel.