14 home security tips for dog owners

Posted August 22nd, 2024 by SimpliSafe

National Dog Day on 26th August is the perfect opportunity to show our love for our furry friends, and to take responsibility for their safety and well-being at home. 

Dogs are not mere pets, but also cherished family members who rely on us for protection, love and companionship. So to create a dog-friendly home, it goes beyond showering them with love and care; it involves providing a secure and safe environment for them to thrive in.

Keep reading, as we’ll share vital safety tips to help safeguard our canine companions and prevent pet theft, as well as keep our minds at peace if we ever need to leave our beloved friend at home for a couple of hours. 

From improving home security measures for your dog to general safety guidelines, let’s explore how to create a safe haven that ensures our dogs' security, happiness and health!

General home security tips for dog owners

Not only is your home your safe haven, but it's also your dog’s. Explore our eight top tips to keep your furry family member safe and secure, whether you're snuggled up on the couch with them, or you’ve nipped out and they’re home alone.

1. Keep openings to your home secure

Whilst dogs can’t jump as high as cats (debatable for some breeds), it’s always worth keeping windows and gates secure. The same goes for any other opening into your home, such as front and back doors. Not only could these be accidentally opened by your dog, but they could also invite unauthorised visitors inside.  

Our canine companions can be naturally inquisitive, and their playful nature might lead them to explore beyond the confines of our homes. By investing in sturdy locks and well-maintained latches for doors and windows, we can prevent accidental escapes or sneaky thefts, and keep our beloved pets safely indoors. Similarly, securing openings like balconies and fences guarantees that our dogs cannot slip through or climb over, safeguarding them from potential accidents or injuries.

From a safety perspective, if you’re leaving your dog alone whilst you nip out for a little while, fitting entry sensors on openings to your home can sound your house alarm if any are opened. They’re fitted with tiny magnets that detect when a door or window opens, so if the magnet moves more than a couple of inches from the sensor, an alarm will sound to deter, or help catch, a potential dog snatcher or burglar attempting to enter. It can also potentially alert surrounding neighbours too, who could come to help.

2. Keep them on camera 

Want to keep a close eye on your dog, whether you’re busy upstairs or popped out for an hour or two? 

Our smart wireless indoor camera is perfect for keeping an eye on your home (and dog) whilst you’re away from sight. As they’re wireless, it means they can be placed in more spots around your home, including those that your furry friend loves to hide in. With our mobile app, you can quickly check and see what they’re up to!

If you’re worried an app notification may not be enough, why not pair your camera with a professional monitoring service? Our team will keep a watchful eye if an intruder is detected in your home and send the authorities over, if verified, to keep your home and pet safe. 

3. Maintain a suitable temperature for you and your dog

It's important to keep a comfortable indoor temperature when you have a dog at home, as like us, dogs are sensitive to hot and cold temperatures. 

If it's too hot inside the house, they can overheat and even get sick. If it's too cold, they may shiver and feel uncomfortable. As responsible pet owners, it's our job to take care of our dogs’ needs, and providing an optimal indoor environment is one way we can do that - especially when attempting to keep pets safe in the colder weather

Temperature sensors can be a useful way to do this, especially in the unfortunate event you have a pipe burst that causes temperatures to drop suddenly during the winter months. Plus, with our temperature sensors, you can also set an upper-temperature limit that can alarm you that it’s too warm for your pooch.

4. Install motion sensors

Worried your dog might trigger a false alarm when keeping them secure indoors? 

Fortunately, our motion sensors can tell the difference between humans and pets - meaning in the unfortunate event there’s an intruder in your home, or someone attempting to steal your dog, they’ll sound an alarm right away. 

Here are some tips from us to ensure your dog doesn’t trigger your home security system:

  1. Place the motion sensor away from furniture below or near it, on the wall.

  2. Turn the motion sensor upside down, with the test button facing towards the floor.

  3. Fix this to the wall at around 4-5 ft high - make sure it’s out of reach of your dog if they go on their hind legs!

5. Install a smoke detector

Dog theft is one concern that you’ll be helping protect your pet against, but smoke detectors also play a vital role in keeping you, your home, and your furry companions safe too. 

SimpliSafe’s smoke detectors are specifically designed to detect the faintest wisp of smoke, which can indicate a fire breaking out in your home. In the unfortunate event of a fire, our sensitive smoke detectors will sound an alarm, giving you valuable time to evacuate with your dog before things go awry.

Even when you are away from home, you can rest assured that your dog is being watched over by the smoke detectors. If a fire starts, the loud noise from the smoke detector can alert your neighbours, who can then call for help and potentially help to rescue your pets. Smoke detectors provide constant vigilance, ensuring the safety of your canine companion - no matter the circumstances.

6. Keep microchip and collar contact information up to date

As with cats, dogs can wander just that bit too far, or worse, be taken without your consent. 

With updated microchip and collar contact information, you’re more likely to succeed in finding and retrieving your dog in the unfortunate event they’re lost or stolen. Make sure to include all relevant information on the microchip and collar, including your postcode and contact details. However, you should never include your dog’s name on their collar, as a potential pet thief could use this information to call your dog to come to them. 

7. Invest in plants wisely

Did you know that many houseplants are toxic to your dog, along with many other animals?

Dogs are allergic to common houseplants like daffodils, eucalyptus and many more unsuspecting ones that are often found in homes. Always do your research before investing in some new plant decor for your home, to ensure they’re dog-friendly. If in doubt, get a few fake plants to decorate your space with instead!

8. Keep your house clean and tidy

When you own a dog, keeping your house clean and tidy becomes especially important.

In terms of your own health, it’s important to keep up with regular cleaning to reduce allergens and ensure a healthier living space for everyone who visits your home - especially those with more sensitive allergies. Plus, our canine companions can bring in dirt, mud, and debris from outside, which can create messes and compromise on your home’s hygiene. 

Besides hygiene for our sake, it’s also important for your pooch! A tidy living space minimises the risk of your dog ingesting harmful objects, chemicals or other toxic substances. Proper cleaning and organisation enables swift cleanup of any accidents or spills that a curious dog may accidentally lick up or eat - something you definitely don’t want to happen to your furry family member!

Garden security tips for your dog

Whether you have a vast green oasis or a concrete urban plot, you need to ensure that your garden is a safe place for your dog to be in. Here are our six best pieces of advice for keeping your dog safe in your garden.

1. Make outdoor playtime safe

It’s highly recommended to supervise your dog's outdoor playtime, so you know where they are and who's around them. Despite your garden being both an area of outdoor fun and a bathroom for your dog, it can also be a hazard. 

Keep a close eye on them and be aware of any potential hazards or prying neighbours. If you can't be physically present all the time, consider using our outdoor cameras. With our mobile app, not only can you watch your dog from whenever you are, but you can also record any attempts of dog theft for added security and evidence.

2. Fix up fences and gates

When it comes to keeping your pooch safe in the garden, you need to ensure that your garden fences and gates are secure. 

Like cats, dogs can be relatively curious, especially if they find any weak spots or gaps in the fence where they may dig and try to escape! To avoid this, it's a good idea to regularly inspect and maintain your fencing. 

The same goes for your gates too - and if there are some bolts loose or your locks are questionable, then it’s time to give them an upgrade to secure your garden and keep your dog in - and potential dog thieves out!

3. Again - keep your plants dog-friendly

We’re saying it twice because this point is so important - some of the plants we choose to keep can be harmful for dogs if ingested. 

If you have quite the green thumb, similarly to cats, it's crucial to be mindful of the plants we choose to grow if we own dogs. So, before you plant anything new, do a quick check to ensure it's dog-friendly. 

And if you already have dog-safe plants, remember to use natural pest control methods instead of harmful pesticides to keep unwanted critters away. These are usually labelled as “child and pet friendly”, but always ensure to do your research first! 

If you absolutely must grow specific plants, fruits and vegetables, then consider a greenhouse that you can keep secure from your dog ingesting anything they shouldn’t.

4. Check for hiding spots in your garden

Dogs are experts at finding small spaces to crawl into - no matter how big or small they are. 

Before letting your dog roam freely in the garden, do a thorough check to identify any potential hiding spots. Look out for areas with machinery like lawnmowers or spaces with heavy or sharp objects that not only could they hide around, but could also seriously harm them. Make sure to block access to these areas, and keep dangerous objects locked away. 

An outdoor camera can really help here too - especially if you suspect your dog may be regularly hiding in a place they shouldn’t.

5. Create shaded areas for your dog to retreat to

During hot weather, it’s not just us that we need to keep safe during a heatwave - our dogs need it too! 

It's a good idea to provide shaded areas in your garden where your dog can escape from the sun and naturally cool down. Designate shaded zones within your garden to help your dog stay cool on sunny days, such as by incorporating dog-friendly outdoor structures like a dog kennel they can hide into or planting some dog-friendly foliage.

6. Compost with care

Just like with cats, dogs may rummage through the compost bin if they catch the scent of leftover food. 

However, it’s important to know that some of these food scraps can be harmful to dogs if ingested. To avoid any risks, store your compost bin securely in a location that can be tightly fastened, out of your dog's reach. If you don’t compost, make sure to always shut your general waste bin after use - or perhaps even keep it locked away in a bin store.

Want to incorporate a robust home security system to protect the whole family - furry members and all? Shop our wide range of home security packages or build your home security system with SimpliSafe. 

If you have any queries or would like some further tips and tricks for using SimpliSafe home security with pets, please don’t hesitate to contact our dedicated customer support team, or explore more resources on our blog